Red Lion Area Historical Society

Red Lion Pennsylvania History and Collections

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March 2020 Meeting

Please join us on March 26, 2020 as Tim Pritchard will be giving a presentation on the relationship between Jennie Wade, Wesley Culp, and Jack Skelley in the Civil War era. Tim is a member of the 87th Pennsylvania re-enactors.

Our meeting starts at 7:00 pm and will be held at St. John’s UCC, 161 North Main Street, Red Lion, PA. Meetings are free and open to the public. In the event of snow, we will cancel the meeting if Red Lion Area Schools cancel or let out early. If they are only delayed a couple hours, we’re still on.

February 2020 Meeting

Please join us on February 27, 2020, for our annual Show and Tell meeting! Bring an interesting, unique, or antique item and tell us about it. It is always interesting and entertaining to see what everyone brings. We hope to see you there!

Our meeting starts at 7:00 pm and will be held at St. John’s UCC, 161 North Main Street, Red Lion, PA. Meetings are free and open to the public. In the event of snow, we will cancel the meeting if Red Lion Area Schools cancel or let out early. If they are only delayed a couple hours, we’re still on.

Maryland & Pennsylvania (Ma & Pa) Railroad Open House

Here we go again! With the success of the last Ma & Pa open house in July, we are going for our second run at the Ma & Pa Railroad Open House. This open house will feature many historical relics related to the Ma & Pa Railroad. Many presenters will have there personal displays with all kinds or artifacts, photos, and information to share. The open house will be on February 16th, 2020 from 2-5 pm. We are located inside the Ma & Pa Red Lion train station museum at 73 N. Main Street, Red Lion, PA 17356.

The Model Railroad will also be open and have a local theme with Ma & Pa, Stewartstown Railroad, and Yorkrail models operating throughout.

Our presenters will be:
John Good
Ted Merril
Mike Dancy
Rick Moxley
Cale Leiphart
Tristan Mundis
Matt Mundis
Nate Heffner

If you have any questions contact Tristan Mundis at (717)-501-3240

January 2020 Meeting

The Red Lion Area Historical Society will hold its regular monthly meeting on January 23, 2020. The meeting will be an open forum for people to share their memories of Red Lion and the area from years gone by.

The meeting will be held at St John’s UCC, 161 North Main Street, Red Lion, at 7:00 pm. Entrance is off the parking lot behind the church. All meetings are free and open to the public. The meeting will be canceled if Red Lion schools are canceled or dismissed early that day.

For more information, please call 717-244-1912.

St. John’s Preschool visits the Train Display

The St. John’s UCC Pre-school visited the Red Lion train display recently and enjoyed the display. Below are two pictures of their recent visit. There is still time to bring the kids or grand-kids out to see the display before the end of the year. See the below Holiday Hours for details!

November’s Meeting

Join us on November 21, when we host lecturer, teacher and Pennsylvania Dutchman, Butch Reigart. Learn some things about Pa Dutch life and learn a few words of the language.

Our meetings are held at St John’s UCC, North Main Street in Red Lion. Starting time is 7:00 and we are free and open to the public. Parking is at the rear of the church.

If Red Lion Schools are closed because of snow, we won’t hold our meeting but if they are just delayed, we’ll go on as planned.

Note: This meeting is being held a week earlier than our usual 4th Thursday as that is Thanksgiving.

Meetings Set to Begin in September

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for this fall’s line-up of speakers. All meetings are held at St John’s UCC, Red Lion, at 7:00. Usually meetings are held on the fourth Thursday but in November, we hold our meeting on the third Thursday. We’re looking forward to seeing you all after the summer break. Stop back again to see the complete list of speakers.

Give Local York

Red Lion Area Historical Society

We are participating in this year’s Give Local York on May 3, 2019. Please consider a donation to help us complete the interior restoration of our Ma & Pa caboose. Just click the button here:

March Meeting

Please join us on March 28, 2019, to hear Mr. John Ream present a program on The Medical Side of the Civil War. Mr. Ream is a Civil War reenactor. His talk will be highly interesting.

Our meetings are held at St John UCC on North Main St and begin at 7:00. Parking and entrance are at the rear of the building. The meeting is free and open to the public.

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