Red Lion Area Historical Society

Red Lion Pennsylvania History and Collections

Show and Tell!

Join us for our annual Show and Tell. Bring an item, maybe something old, something interesting or something strange. Or bring something that you simply love. This meeting is free; you don’t have to be a member of the RLAHS. You can tell us about your item and maybe our audience will tell you something you didn’t know!

Crime and Punishment Red Lion Style

For many years around the turn of the last century, Seth Minnich was Red Lion’s Justice of the Peace. His logs and ledgers were well preserved. Our presentation this month will be by his great-great-grandson Bill Frey. Join us to learn of the misconduct of long ago citizens.

This meeting will be held on Thursday, January 23, at 7PM at St. John UCC Church North Main and Gay Streets, Red Lion. Parking is provided in the alley behind the building.  Please enter through the alley door. The meeting is free and open to the public as always!

Canning Factories in our Area!

In Colonial times, the Susquehanna Valley was the “bread basket” of the Eastern Seaboard of the new country.  This was in large part  due to the presence of large farms in the area.  In fact, William Penn, in founding the province of Pennsylvania sent agents into Central Europe, mostly the German states, to invite the region’s farmers who were the best on that continent, to come and settle in the hinterland of his new colony to provide food for the inhabitants. Over time, surplus food, fruit, vegetables and grain were shipped out of the area.  Numerous canneries sprang up over the years safely preserving food for shipment.

Don Linebaugh will give us a perspective on how these firms contributed to the local economy. Join us on Thursday, October 24 at 7PM at St. John UCC Church North Main and Gay Streets, Red Lion. Parking is provided in the alley behind the building.  Please enter through the alley door.

Fall Season 2024 Kicks Off!

Our first program will be presented by Don Linebaugh. He will speak on the canning industries in the area. The meeting will be at St John’s Church, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24 at 7:00 pm. Parking is at the rear of the church. All are welcome to this free event!

Public Meetings

February 22, 2024
Show and Tell
A perennial favorite where everyone brings an item or story to share.
Antique, retro or just curious, there are always surprises!

April 25, 2024
Due to family illness our program on Canals of York County will be postponed. We will present instead Jan Barnhart sharing What’s Left – A look at some interesting buildings in the Red Lion area: some still standing, some re-purposed and some long gone.             

May 23, 2024
Open House at the Station Museum, 73 North Main St., Red Lion, PA.

Public Meetings are held at St John’s UCC, 161 North Main Street, Red Lion, PA. They begin at 7:00. Parking is behind the church.

October Monthly Meeting

Please join us on October 28, 2021 as Stephen Smith will tell us about the
Barshinger Family of Barshinger’s Mill. Stephen wrote an award-winning family history book titled “Barshingers in America”. During his retirement, he continues to write and give family history and local history talks. He also has a local history blog called “YorksPast” that covers an assortment of York County history. You can view his posts here:

Our meeting starts at 7:00 pm and will be held at St. John’s UCC, 161 North Main Street, Red Lion, PA. Meetings are free and open to the public. Enter in the rear of the church. In the event of snow, we will cancel the meeting if Red Lion Area Schools cancel or let out early. If they are only delayed a couple hours, the meeting will still be held.

September 2021 Membership Meeting

Please join us on September 23, 2021 as Tim Pritchard will be giving a presentation on the relationship between Jennie Wade, Wesley Culp, and Jack Skelley in the Civil War era. Tim is a member of the 87th Pennsylvania re-enactors.

Our meeting starts at 7:00 pm and will be held at the Red Lion Train Station Museum, 73 North Main Street, Red Lion, PA. Meetings are free and open to the public. In the event of snow, we will cancel the meeting if Red Lion Area Schools cancel or let out early. If they are only delayed a couple hours, we’re still on.

May 2021 Membership Meeting!

Fort Sumpter – Nebinger School

Please join us on May 27, 2021, for a tour of the Red Lion Train Station Museum.  Instead of our usual speaker, docents will direct visitors on a tour of the Museum. Since consolidating all artifacts from the Center Square Museum, the Station Museum has undergone remarkable changes. Items that had never been displayed in the past, are now on view.

The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm, at 73 North Main Street, Red Lion. Parking is at the metered spots (no charge) and beside the Station. Meetings are free and open to the public; membership is not a requirement to attend.

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